Wednesday, September 9, 2009

To my children

Sometimes I seem busy, too busy for you,
just know that I love you madly, that's what mom's do.
I get angry often and act as if I don't care,
but I always miss you terribly when you aren't there.
I think about you every second of every single day,
there isn't anything you could do or ever say...
to make me love you less, you are a gift to me,
even if I raise my voice, it's the good side of you I see.
Know that if you need me, I will always be there,
even if my wisdom isn't the "bestest" to share.
All you have to do is smile and it melts my heart,
I would cry a million tears if we were ever to part.
I can't describe my love for you, it would take oh so long,
I wish I could create the tune and sing it all in a song.
You are loved more than you know and with each
and every day.......
that love continues to grow.

I love

1 comment:

Jenny said...

What a nice way to start my day, reading your beautiful poetry! You're such a great mom.