Friday, September 18, 2009

Harvest Fair

Today was Wilkes annual Harvest Fair at the school. Rylan is my 4th child going through Wilkes and this is the first one we have created something for. He was so excited to bring it to school today. As luck would have it, he threw up on the bus on the way there and had to sit in the nurses office until I arrived. We were able to browse through some of the fun creations and pick our favorites.

Wouldn't you know of our favorites was a bus that we didn't even know belonged to a good friend until reading their post tonight. We sure loved it Ben! Now, as I look at the photo, I do see a hint of "Aken" on it. I should have paid more attention. ;)

Love the one below although, I am not certain that this child did it themselves. Who knows though.

Happy Fall to everyone.

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