Monday, October 11, 2010

9 minutes to post!

In keeping up with my posting every day....I realized just now that I hadn't!
Only 9...make that 8 minutes left.
We have almost cleared out the entire store. I thought I would be emotional, maybe that will come tomorrow.
Mostly, I just feel relief and excitement to be home again.
I had many friends come by to give hugs and condolences. I am fine!
I am proud of myself for pursuing what I thought was my dream.
I know now how hard and time consuming it is. I don't chalk this up to failure like I once felt.
It's been an amazing, life changing experience and I am a better person for it.
I will post photos tomorrow of just the floor before we repaint it.
So many beautiful notes and signatures. This is when it will hit me how hard it is to say

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