Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Corn and a birthday

Today was lovely. Full of hard work, but lovely all the same. Shane has taken 3 days off of work to get our house into ship shape. We ordered a 5 yard dumpster and have been filling it with yard debris, old tree house remnants, carpet...stuff that was down in our basement for 8 years, and other debatable materials. It's been hard work, and the kids have had to come home and work too. It feels good to get everything in order. I took a break today to go a friends for a birthday luncheon. It was nice to reconnect with my friends.
On my way home, I was ever so excited to see the familiar "sweet corn" signs that are put up around this time every year. We immediately drove up to the farm and bought delicious corn.
Corn always reminds me of Idaho. Sitting on the back stoop at my grandparents who lived on a honest to heavens, REAL farm. Grandpa and I would shuck corn together. He just loved a good ear of corn.
Tonight, Mae and I did this together. She is quite the pro.

As typical Myron behavior, he decided to wear it afterwards.
Have a great night.
Ps- It's 8:49 and we are watching "GLEE".!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I keep forgetting to stop and get some corn! I hope it's still there. Definitely the best corn around.

I can't wait to see you you fix up your basement.