Finally a photo with all the kids together. Enjoy Grandmas and papas.
Last night was our annual womens retreat. Every year it is normally at Fort Flagler in the barracks aka "haunted mental hospital" and I never want to spend the night. The lights seem to zzt zzt and it is an eery creepy environment. Cement everywhere and metal bunkbeds upstairs.
You can just imagine every kind of ghost dwelling in this type of environment. The first year I tried to make it exciting and tried to enlist fellow friends to help me scare people in the middle of the night. No one would do it and by the end of the night, everyone knew I was trying to do it. So.....I went home. I figured if I could at least scrounge up a practical joke, it would be worth staying. My response everytime people would ask why I wasn't staying the night would be " I choose life". Also, the missing of the babies thing.
We had 50+ women attend the nights festivities and yet only about 10 spend the night. I was planning on spending the night and actually stayed until midnight, but just wanted to be home with Mae. I figured she'd be upset and crying and wouldn't settle for Shane. Boy was I wrong!
When I arrived home, she was sound asleep. She had been awake still when I left at midnight Shane said, but after sitting in the car with R in our driveway for 45+ minutes, she finally pooped out. It was a great night. Lots of fun conversation and a great friendship talk by a good friend.
It gave me goosebumps to listen to all of the great things about good friends and R and I talked about this as we sat in my driveway. I am so thankful for the type of friendship we have. We can fight (which we have done a few times), argue (which we do a lot), tell each other exactly what we think, and still love, trust and respect each other and our relationship is a priority in our lives. I have never had such a close relationship with any other woman that wasn't family. Friendships are a blessing, we should nurture them as much as possible. I will try to get a copy of my friends talk and post it on here for those of you that didn't get to make it.
My yoga instructor Becky joined us at the retreat. She had a lot of fun and it was so nice to have her share her sweet spirit with us.
That's all for now.
The retreat sure sounds like fun, but I'm laughing that you have a picture of women playing some sort of Scrabble game. Talk about Wild & Crazy. :-)
And what's even better is that game is called "Bananagrams"! Very fun, though. You should have stayed Katie! You could have stayed up all night with five insane women (myself not included). I think I got about 3 1/2 hours of sleep and a good 2 1/2 hour nap this afternoon!
Katie this is Kim, Shanes cousin. Grandma would love a copy of that picture you have posted as a Gadget of all your kids on the log.
would you please send me a copy.
other pics you have of the kids she would appreciate.
Thanks Kim
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