Sunday, July 20, 2008

Catch up

I have no photos to post which is really a shame because I took several. I took my older digital camera to the last two events that I am going to write about below, and as it turns out....the cable uploader thingamabob is MIA. So I will try to be as descriptive as possible and post photos when I get the chance. My good friend Liesl (daughter of sheep family, the Boundys) is turning 40 on the 21st. For her pre birthday celebration, about 8 of us including Liesl and excluding Myron and Brennan, went on a nice walk downtown from the church. Poor Liesl had eaten some bad shrimp so she dealt with that while walking! She's another wonder woman friend of mine. Myron and Brennan had had scouts right before and so they tagged along. We went to Moras for ice cream and I gave them 5 dollars to run up to the market to buy some candy. The ice cream at Moras is ridiculously over priced so I sort of boycott them. It's nearly 5 dollars for an ice cream cone. We had great conversation and headed back to the church. It was a great walk and fun to catch up with the girls. Saturday was Pioneer Day and we attended the 27th Pioneer Day celebration at the Boundy Farm. A friend asked me how many I had been to, and I was embarrassed to admit that I hadn't been to many growing up here. I was always off with friends doing other things. It was a lot of fun. Rylan and I went horseback riding, Mae won for the best pioneer hat (pictures to come later), the older boys boated around the large pond and mom and dad got to converse with good friends. Nathan and his good friend Zach also biked 8 miles round trip to the farm and back. They had a great time. Today was a beautiful sunny sabbath day. Tonight we will be having dinner with our good friends the Hansens at the park. I will remember to bring the correct camera! Ciao.

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