Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Melatonin- WONDER pill!!

Thank you Erika! The older kids don't really need it, but nevertheless, they have enjoyed the benefits of falling right to sleep. There is something to be said for a quiet house by 9:30 and ALL the kids in their own beds. Yup.....FINALLY! Everyone is in their own bed. Woohoo!!
I don't intend on a long term dosage. The older boys took one tablet of 3mg and Rylan 1/2. Mae took a 1/4 of one. They were all asleep within a half an hour. Incredible! Amazingly, I kept Mae with me on the couch as we watched our tele shows and she asked to be taken to her bed.
YESSSS!! In any case, I hope this will regulate their sleeping patterns.
Melatonin is a natural sleep aid.

Goodnight. I will enjoy snuggling with my husband tonight, with no children in between us.


Erika said...

Did it work for you?

Garrett said...

Yikes. This stuff isn't supposed to be used for anyone under 16.