Friday, February 20, 2009

The Battle of Land and Sea

I am OVER THE MOON excited that one of my all time favorite bands, The Battle of Land and Sea has just agreed to come ALL the way from Portland to play at our bazaar in June. Sarah, who is the amazing voice in this band, is a crafter as well and will be showcasing her art and selling their albums. Check them out here. My favorite song is birdsong. You can check out our bazaar website and the new artists here. You can also click on the following link . .This bazaar is going to be amazing. We have over 10 artists from Seattle coming over and our new location is downtown Winslow at the Eagle Harbor Congregational church. I am hoping that we get lots of Seattle foot traffic. If you are reading this and are interested in joining, please visit our website to learn how.


Brooke said...

Congratulations Katie. I look forward to hearing them.

By the way, your links don't work.

Jill said...

Yay! Congrats! This is awesome news :)