Friday, January 28, 2011

My love for children.....

I have such a love for children. If finances were not an issue.....I would have really....20!
I love my children and my friends children with unconditional love. I have had some special relationships. When I first moved back into our ward, I fell in love with a little Kylie. She and I had the most special relationship.....I found that these relationships fulfilled my desire for the 20+ children. I have to mention another special relationship between Kylie's aunt Tiffanie and I. When Tiff was a little girl, she and I were very close. So close in fact, that when I moved away, she would write me letters. I just adored her. It is so amazing to see her now as a mommy and read her fun blog. Since those times, there have been many children that I dote on.
This is a pure love that I love to share with them.'s my little Torah. She is just about the cutest little thing I have ever seen. Atta, a FIG girl in my group described her eyebrows like this....."they are like inch worms". I love that! They move all over the place. So much expression!
Forming bonds with these children help me form bonds with their parents. I am always better with children. They can sense my sincerity, innocence and pure love.
I was so thankful to have Nonnys kids yesterday. Nonnys kids are like my own. I love them like my own. I started thinking about all my relationships with the children in my ward. I love them all the same. I truly do. I am thankful for this wonderful religion that fosters these relationships and encourages them.
I am thankful for the trust that they have for me because of this beautiful religion where we call each other "brother" and "sister" because we truly are. I am like an aunt and we are a part of this beautiful large family. I hope they know they can always count on me for unconditional love.
Oh.....and I love their parents too. Just as much.


Jenny said...

Katie, you're so wonderful! I can totally imagine you with 20 kids. If anyone could do it, you're the one!

Tifanie said...

Katie you are such a super woman! I just love you! So do you still have those letters? Haha I would love to read them! :o)