Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Must haves for 3 year old girls.

Tonight, we tackled Mae's dollhouse that she drew all over. Little girls love to clean and help! So does Rylan. At one point I even had to say "If you don't share the sponge, I will not let you clean". What? From the dollhouse, I started organizing her toys. Every month or so, I will go through them all and get rid of the ones she isn't playing with and organize the ones she is.
Our house is quite small and even though Mae shares a room with Myron, she doesn't spend anytime in there therefore, she has no space of her own. It is a room for her bed and clothes. I keep her toys in our living room. As I was creating her own little space tonight, I reflected on things that are so important for little girls to have as they grow up.
I created a little "zone" for each of her favorite past times. She has a puppet theater and puppets to act. She has an area for her baby dolls. Her books are within her reach.
Her basket of toys creates a nice border against the hallway.
She can sit in the middle of this area and feel like it is her own little space, even though
it is part of our livingroom.
Baskets are a must. She has a basket for her dress up clothes, puppets, babies, tea cups, food etc.
They look warm and cozy. I even have some pink plastic (gag me) tea cups that I let her play with. I am still on the look out for some quality wood ones. I am a toy snob when it comes to my kids as toddlers. I firmly believe in children using their imaginations and creating their own stories through play. Society dumbs down our children and gives them toys that do everything for them. That and they are sterile to look at. I love toys with soft colors, fabrics and natural materials. They may be hard to come by and expensive, but they are treasures that you can pass on from kids to grandkids.

A little craft that I made for Mae to help with our preschooling at home, are these sweet alphabet marbles/magnets. I have a set for the fridge and when we are doing our school work, I pull them out and we make words with them. Lots of fun and they are so pretty to look at!

Here's how you make them....
Take florists marbles
Cut circles of paper to match the size of the marble
Put a letter, number/shape/etc. on it.
Glue to marble......voila!
So much fun.
Interested in the book " Creative Play". Waldorf crafts and teachings about natural toys and their importance in our childrens lives.
Here's the link......... (....click here......)

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