Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Is a blog boring without photos?

I could write in here every night if it wasn't for a lack of photos. My new camera pooped out on me weeks ago and my old cameras battery charger is missing in action. That leaves the camcorder that takes photos, but not quality photos. That and the fact that my bazaar is in just a few days, leaves me nothing to document. Text it is. I hope you find my words as fun as the photos that are missing. Tonight was the first day of playoffs and Brennans AAA team was up against the Pirates.
It was an intense game that left my tummy in knots. We lost 13-12. I'd do a play by play, but I am really trying to console myself still. I get so into the kids baseball games, especially playoffs. It's not like they are scoring a million dollar contract, so why do I get so crazy? Anyhow, Nonny and I have been painting signs when we can and everything else seems to be falling into place for the bazaar. The only hiccup was last week when the school that rents the church as well realized that they couldn't hold their 5th grade play because our bazaar was scheduled. Somehow it worked out and I really hope that everything else will as well. I am so involved with this and baseball playoffs that I had to be reminded tonight that a book release party in which my poetry is published is being released on Wednesday. I feel embarrassed by the attention and don't feel super confident about what I wrote since it has been so long, but I have been coaxed into attending. We'll see if I show up. It is the same night as Myrons first playoff game, so I don't know. In any case,........things are busy but okay and I feel good energy around all these endeavors.


Brooke said...

I actually prefer blog posts without pictures. When there are pictures, I tend to just scroll through and look at the pictures but barely read the words. But when I'm not distracted by the pictures, I can just read and focus on what is written.

So blog away, camera or no!

Jenny said...

Well....maybe not....

just kidding! I love reading what you're up to. It's always changing! The bazaar, for instance. I knew it would all work out, but I still want to hear the details. And congrats on your poetry being published! I can't wait to see the book. I hear Shari's is in it, too.

JoAnna Anderson said...

Hey, I would love to participate, but don't know what I would do. Any suggestions? Supplies? I think it would be a great place to get the word out for my business, but do you think an "indie" themed bazaar is the right outlet? Maybe the theme is too specific for my type of business?? I dunno...any input would be great! Let me know. By the way, the bazaar sound like it will be lots of fun. Thanks!! JoAnna

PS.....I have such a hard time blogging without pictures! I say blog away too (because that is what I'm doing with my camera on the outs). Its always nice to at least have some documention of your thoughts, family happenings, etc.