Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hooray for Poppy Peddles Books

Yay Jenny! You fixed it! Maybe I was just in the edit HTML thingy. Anyhow, I have just opened a book store on under the name " Poppy Peddles Books". If you can access my store (not sure how yet) from Amazon, I have around 70 books for sale right now. If you want to buy one, just email or give me a call and I will pull it from the shelf and you can get the book without paying shipping. That is...if you are on the Island or close by. I am considering starting a blog in which I can sell my items. Who knows, maybe after all this I can actually generate an okay income until Shane is working again. I am so excited for tomorrow. I really need the spiritual upliftment. Rylan is running around naked, Mae has decided to skip naps altogether for the last two days (cutting 4 teeth at once), Nathan and Myron are arguing and Brennan is complaining because I "never do what I say I am going to do" ie...let them watch a movie. is my mock shot of I say "cheers to all of you". Really the stuff smells and tastes so disgusting I dont know how anyone drinks it, but just watching the face people on movies make after drinking it, makes you want it! They look so relaxed and calm, like that shot just took all the stress away. :) Take care for now- K

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I'm glad I fixed it for you, even though I didn't really do anything! I love the name of your store. I'll take a look. I hope it goes well for you!