Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wild Wednesdays?

KIDIMU is our new favorite place on Wednesdays. Mae and I start out at library story time, move onto our church play group, lunch at Blackbird bakery, and then walk to KIDIMU.
We had such a fun time doing this last week, that we did it again today. This is going to be our new Wednesday ritual if anyone would like to join us.
Sorry for the lack of posting and photos, but as usual....something has gone haywire. This time, it is the hard drive in my faithful MACbook. I was using Sandras laptop until, go figure....the battery stopped taking a charge. Cars and laptops......don't let me near them. Oh.....cameras too.
Anyhow, I am a bit pissy about the whole thing. So much so, that even looking at a computer makes me furrow my brow.
....and I am going to stop myself there before I get into trouble.

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