Saturday, May 5, 2012

Ladies Night and First Friday art walk

 Last night was the 1st Friday Art walk downtown. I try to go each month to not only support my artists that have shows, but, to recruit new artists as well. My boss and new partner in Indie Banditas, Sarah, and I started out together. We have a great time together. As the night went on, we ran into two friends, both out alone. They joined us. We ended up hanging out the rest of the night together.
We happened upon the Winslow Art Center, where one of our co workers, works. I met an artist, Anne Grgich. She was amazing and believe it or not.....UNREPRESENTED!!! So....after talking for quite a bit of time, she asked me if I would consider representing her!! What?! I had never thought about doing that before and the minute she asked me, I had no reservations. Of course!
 What this means, is that for every piece she sells, I will get a 15-20% commission.
 As a thank you, she gave me the below piece. It was on sale for 300.00. I was flabbergasted and quite the envy of my friends that night.
 After the art walk, we strolled down to Hitchcock. I had never been. We snacked on fois gras and cheese from France until our dinner came. More on that later!
 That's all for now. We are off to 3 Cinco de Mayo parties, all within 6 blocks of each other!!
Happy Cinco de Mayo!!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Wow! You had a busy night!