Thursday, October 20, 2011


You may not know this about me....but I played basketball in High School.
Yeah, that's right.....short little me. I also played for few years before that.
I only played my freshman year. All the plays were overwhelming for me. I just liked to shoot hoops.
I have been trying to organize a women's basketball group and so far have a few friends interested. Last night, the boys had mutual/scouts, so we went early to play some bball.
My boys were very surprised. There were many giggles and a lot of smack talking.
In the end....I think I impressed them with my skills and new found energy since losing all this weight.
The lame part? I went to attempt a 180 layup and hurt the top of my foot....sprained, twisted? Something not. good. Doesn't feel great today. Good thing I went for my long run yesterday and can take the day off today!


Julia said...

Go lil mama! You look so fabulous!! You are my thinspiration (the healthy kind)!!

Jenny said...

Check out those legs! You look great! And I hate it how people think only tall people can play basketball. For one thing, I'm tall and I CAN'T play.